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[Nexus Menu] New Update - 09/10/2022

[Nexus Menu] New Update - 09/10/2022
Changelog :
[+] Added Attach check into Props (Online)
[+] Added Aimbot Damage
[+] Added thickness slider into the skeleton
[+] Added Full LS Customs in the menu
[+] Added A LOT of minor changes (which i don`t even remember)
[+] Added (Online -> Vehicle) Create Vehicle
[+] Added (Online -> Vehicle) Set vehicle speed
[+] Added (Online -> Vehicle) Set vehicle max speed[+] Optimised whole menu (Since now menu takes 90% less of the cpu usage)
[+] Optimised skeleton esp - (Since now it takes 99% less of the cpu usage)
[+] Optimised ESPDEV-LOG
[#] Since now line esp are visible thru the walls
[#] Removed new detection vector (screenshot-bypass)
[#] Fixed EVERY function in the (Online -> Vehicle) tab
[#] Fixed random crashes (Game, Menu)
[#] Fixed crashes caused by loading configs
[#] Fixed issue with only a few players being visible on the list
[#] Fixed aimbot misses on a long distance
[#] Fixed aimbot prediction issues
[#] Fixed other aimbot issues
[#] Fixed silent kill - it actually work now
[#] Sorted Vehicle menu
[#] Moved Props from Basic Troll (Online) into Objects submenu
[#] Removed Safe-Mode and fixed issues which was caused by it
[$] Improved esp
! zlRedman#6666
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